In a year where we face so many obstacles that we cannot control, it’s comforting to find an area where we can finally make some positive changes—our own personal health and wellness! This episode focuses on the easy, new things that you can start doing and the old, unhealthy things that you can stop doing in order to kick that Quarantine 15 pounds to the curb.
Cravings and Hormones and Carbs, Oh my! This quarantine time has some of us spiraling out of control with irregular schedules and stress eating, but our guest, Elizabeth Sherman, uses her skills as a Life Coach to help change our mindset and her skills as a Weight Loss Coach to help change our habits. She carefully lays out some of the underlying reasons why we might be struggling with our health and weight loss goals—and they are things you would have never guessed!
Listen in as she gives advice on how to make easy, attainable, and sustainable life changes!
Get one of Elizabeth Sherman’s free mini-sessions HERE or check out the LINKS WE LOVE page