There are a million things in this world that we cannot control, but there are a few things that we can control. So... Let’s choose to keep our eyes open, alert, and focused on how to make the best of this life, instead of sleepwalking right through it.
Let’s choose to keep control of our tongue. Sometimes it’s better to keep our mouth shut rather than blurting out something we’ll regret later.
Let’s choose to keep our minds open to new opportunities rather than immediately turning down life changes that might lead to a better future.
Let’s choose to keep control over what we allow to enter our homes: unhealthy foods, unhealthy practices, negative thoughts, and negative energy need to be removed and replaced.
Let’s choose to keep our doors open to people who nurture us and consider closing the door on those who no longer respect us or our personal boundaries.
The list goes on and on. What do you need to choose that will enhance your life? You can enter a new year and new decade empowered! Now that's a great resolution.

We’ve invited Sheila Sutherland, Life Skills Strategist/Life Mastery Coach to give us encouragement and direction as we use the power of choice in our daily lives!