When you get together with a friend you haven’t seen in a while, it’s fun to reminisce about the good old days! It can also be therapeutic talking about the not-so-good old days. It’s not so different when you write in a journal and then look back on it days, weeks, years and even decades later! In this bonus episode, we reflect on last week’s chat with Tareka Wheeler of Professional DNA, Change Your Life By Changing The Way You See Yourself. In that episode, we discovered the tremendous power of journaling; and how we can use the past to help us in the present AND plan for the future. If you are a non-journaler like Sandy, you may finally decide to take the leap. If so, we have some easy tips. If you already journal, you’ll benefit from some unique ways to use it in your life. And, no matter what, we think you’ll laugh along and learn some powerful lessons as Lanee takes a trip to her middle-school diaries. We hope these lessons lead to some profound revelations to help you with your own self-discovery.